Mama B & the Boys

Boys are truth with dirt on their face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.

Monday, September 29, 2008

UNC bound

So today I called Tricare to find out where exactly Jaren is going to be seen for his breathing problems. They are going to be sending him to UNC Chapel Hill, to the Children's Hospital. He will be seeing Dr. Zook in pediatric neurology. They will be running tests to find out if it is small seizures he is having or what exactly is making him randomly stop breathing. I've given Jaren and Jesse's health issues up to God, but I'm a mother and I still can't help but be scared! He is my baby boy! When I was pregnant, I could protect him of everything, and now I feel so helpless.
Lord, Oh God
I just pray that you cover Jaren in your healing love. I just pray that you watch over him through the night while I'm unable to have my eye on him. I just pray you give the doctors wisdom to run the right tests and not put Jaren through anything unnecessary. Thank you for every blessing you've place in my life. Thank you for the support system our family has! I love you!
Thank you everyone for you continuing prayers! I'll try to keep everyone updated as best as I can through out each visit! PS. Jaren's appointment will be this Thursday October 2nd at 2:00pm. Ill update on here as soon as we know something! We love you all!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Update on my baby boy

So yesterday we took Jaren to his well baby appointment and he is 22.8lbs and growing healthy and so so strong! Praise the Lord. After his well baby appointment, we went to Jaren's ENT ((ear, nose, and throat)) appointment. They checked his blood oxygen level and he is at 99% which is absolutely perfect! After watching the video of Jaren having one of his breathing spells/attacks they have decided that it is not obstruction that is causing this, which is a good thing. One thing that means is that his tonsils or adenoids are not whats causing the breathing problems. They looked up his nose, in his ears, and in his throat and everything looks great! So they told us, that the lungs is not what tells your body to breathe, your brain does. ((rewind for a minute: when we had to call 911 last week the EMT told us that it could possibly be Jaren having tiny seizures and this is causing his brain not to tell his lungs to breath.)) So the ENT thinks this could be the case as well. They are going to be sending Jaren to a pediatric neurologist probably a few hours away, and they will run the tests they need to find out what is going on with our little man. I have to call tomorrow to find out where the referral was sent to and call and schedule him an appointment.

This is all the update I really have for now! Just keep lifting Jesse and Jaren both up in your prayers. If its seizures it could have come from Jesse's side, and if it's something else it could come from my side. But we will be in the dark until we get to the peds neurologist to get the tests ran! We love you all!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Caffeine is a drug...

A few days ago, I took a huge step back and looked at myself and here's what I found:

  • My skin is no where near as soft as it used to be, it doesnt glow like it used to, i'm getting blemishes again, and overall it's just a complete 180 from what it used to look like.
  • My sleeping habits are awful. I sleep horrible at night leaving me lethargic and run down during the day. How can I live like this?
  • My teeth are not as white as they used to be.
  • I'm way thirsty all the time and I run to the bathroom 900 million times a day.
  • Headaches are a part of my everyday life now. How do I cure them you ask, a nice big dr. pepper.
  • I suffer through the burn in my stomach when I take a big drink of pop. EWW!

I never realized the effects of too much caffeine on your body. But honestly I'm experiencing alot of those effects. I dont drink water at all anymore. If I take medicine I drink pop, if I'm thirsty I drink pop. I didnt know that headaches were a part of dehydration. HMM maybe I should have caught onto this sooner.

The last 3 days I've drank NOTHING but water. I honestly forgot how fulfilling and great a cold bottle of water tasted. Anyway, I'm doing my own little experiment to see how much better I feel in the up coming weeks by drinking the daily recommended amount of water and then some.

I'm going ask for some prayers along the way with this, and I will keep everyone updated on the how much better I am feeling!



Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Dr. Moore called me last night and the first steps they are going to take with Jaren is sending him to an Ear Nose and Throat Dr. They are also worried there maybe inflammation in his nasal cavity, so the pharmacist is making a nasal spray specifically for Jaren. I'll know probably tomorrow or Thursday, what day I am taking Jaren to the ENT and I'll let everyone know from there.

Last night there were no spells and he slept the whole entire night. No whining or crying in his sleep. Praise God!

Today he is playing, laughing, singing, and cuddling with his stuffed animals. He's been walking around with his stroller and throwing his ball, just like the 'normal, healthy' Jaren does! He's acting just like nothing is wrong. I love days like this. Especially when he and Jesse are both having good days together.

On a brighter note, I'm going to be mailing out the invites for Jaren's first birthday soon! I know we are either going to have it at my Mom's house, if their new room is done in time, or we will have it at the Church Fellowship Hall (where my babyshower was) if I can reserve it. I'll be sending out an e-mail soon to get everyone's addresses yet again, because I always forget where I put them! I NEED AN ADDRESS BOOK!!!

School is going great! I sent in my first two dictations for grading and I passed. I think I posted about this before, but I'm really excited that I'm getting sooooooo close to finishing. You could only make 12 errors in certain categories to pass and I only made 2. The next set of dictations that I'm working on are so hard. The doctors talk so fast and so muffled I find myself listening to the same sentence four or five times before I ever understand what they are saying. Thank goodness for my stop and rewind buttons on my foot pedal!

I'm making chicken enchiladas for dinner! I've not made them before but I think they are going to be great! I've been trying to find new recipes to make new things every week.

Not much more going on here in the Davis house! Just school, Jaren growing, standing and taking one or two steps, spending time with Jesse in the evenings, and the normal day to day house wife activities.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

a call to 911 and waiting patiently

Just to inform everyone of what has been going on with Jaren's breathing problems.

Since Jaren was about 1 month old he has always breathed very heavily and sounded more like he was trying to breathe through his throat than through any other part and every once in a while, he would have a breathing spell where it almost sounded like he had the hiccups (but it was his body making him like gasp for air). I've addressed my concerns with the doctors but no one could ever see it happen, so no one ever knew what I was talking about. Last month, I was finally smart enough to video tape it. ((everyone is probably asking why we didnt take him to the ER, its because by the time we would get there the spell would be over)) anyway, i video taped it and took it to his doctor and he was having some allergy problems so we thought maybe it was all tied into allergies so she put him on some benedry to see how it helped. Well a month later the benedryl was not helping at all and the spells were getting more frequently and he would go 2-6 seconds in between breaths. So last night he had a horrible spell and we called 911 and they came to check him out, but ofcourse as soon as they got here he was feeling better and back to his normal Jaren self again. ((for anyone who knows Jaren, when you see him being himself you would never guess there is anything wrong with him)) The EMT's suggested we have Jaren seen by a Pulmonologist. Well this morning Jaren's Dr. ended up calling to check up on us so I told her about last night and she immediately gathered up 5 other doctors and headed to our house. Thank you Dr. Moore!! They check his oxygen levels and they are very low, but ofcourse he wasnt having a spell so they didnt get to see that part. (my mom has the good video of it so she is mailing it back to me today) But they have decided that they are either going to send him to and Ear Nose and Throat doctor here or to a Pulmonologist at DUKE or ECU. I'm just waiting to hear from Dr. Moore to see what they've decided. Please keep us in your prayers! We appreciate all the love and support.

1Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

William Snodgrass....

Today marks the third birthday that I am unable to spend with my Pappaw. He passed away in 2006 and since then life has not been the same. My Pappaw was an incredible man. He would have done anything in the entire world to make me happy and he loved me unconditionally. He was brave, strong, kind hearted and a fighter. He stood up for what he believed in and did everything he could to protect his family. I'm so blessed to say that my Pappaw was saved before he passed away and he's now dancing him self silly in heaven. My heart aches when I think about him never getting to hold Jaren or watch him grow, but every time I look at my little man I see his face, his sense of humor, and his big heart. I love you Pappaw!

My Pappaw's favorite place to be ((William's River in WV))

Yesterday for whatever reason I got up this huge urge to clean! Generally if I decide to lay down and take a nap, I can't talk myself out of it. Yesterday I was able to. I'm so proud of myself. I did roughly 6 loads of laundry, vacuumed the master bedroom and living room, organized Jaren's room and made it 100% safe for him to play in their during the day, swept the kitchen, hallway, and master bath as well as mopping. I did all the dishes and lit the best smelling candles ever! I have the spare bathroom left to do, but that is completely impossible until Jaren lays down for a nap because where ever I am, he follows. The house looks so great except for the hurricane of toys that went through the living room this morning. But honestly I think its a beautiful sight!

On a different side of life, I've started working out again. I'm not doing anything huge, just making sure I squeeze in sit-ups, push-ups, a little of the Pilate's that I know, and some booty exercises 6 days a week. I think it will help me feel more energized and actually feel like I'm sticking with a plan! We have a very nice jogging stroller, so I think it will be nice for Jaren and I to start getting out and walking a little bit. I'd like to get into a little better shape before we get pregnant again. In reality I still need to lose about 10lbs to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I feel healthy with that weight on, so I'll just take being a little more tone if need be. I've also started drinking alot more water. This is a major step for me because Dr. Pepper is my weakness. I only really drink a Dr. Pepper if we go out some where or if we stop to get a drink, and I generally save 1/2 the bottle to drink the next day. So I'm very proud of myself for this!!

Jaren is walking alot more now. He only holds one or two fingers on one of our hands to walk around. He stands a little by himself and then falls down and laughs about it. We know he is roughly 23lbs but he goes in for his 'well baby' appointment on the 23rd, so we look forward to seeing how big he really is. On his down time he sits in the kitchen in front of the stove giggling at his reflection or sitting under his highchair watching tv. He loves to pound on the walls with his toys. He's so incredibly happy. He has 5 teeth now with a few more coming in. He's doing so great with teething. We just started a book exchange with some other mothers, so I'm anxious to see what kind of books he gets.

Medical transcription is going great! I sent in my first proofreading and got an awesome evaluation on it. The lady told me to move right along to trascriping. On Saturday, I sent in my first two dictations, so I am looking forward to hearing feedback on those. Graduating is getting so close that Im starting to get nervous, but I know that I'm studying like I should and I think I'll be ready to apply for jobs very soon.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

So distracted....

I started this blog to keep everyone updated on Jaren Robert and the rest of our day to day lives here at the Davis house. I've been so distracted with playing with Jaren all day long, Myspace ((unfortunatly)), spending afternoons out doors after Jesse gets home, and trying to finish school, that the last thing on my mind was updating everyone and I apologize for being so selfish!

I love writing and I hate that I haven't written in so long. I'm going to try my very best to update my blog atleast once a week. I can't promise I will always be entertaining but I hope that even with my non-eventful posts you all will continue to read and stay updated with us!

For now, I'm just going to update with pictures and I will make a written post with updates hopefully tomorrow after Church!

Enjoy the pictures: