Mama B & the Boys

Boys are truth with dirt on their face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.

Monday, September 29, 2008

UNC bound

So today I called Tricare to find out where exactly Jaren is going to be seen for his breathing problems. They are going to be sending him to UNC Chapel Hill, to the Children's Hospital. He will be seeing Dr. Zook in pediatric neurology. They will be running tests to find out if it is small seizures he is having or what exactly is making him randomly stop breathing. I've given Jaren and Jesse's health issues up to God, but I'm a mother and I still can't help but be scared! He is my baby boy! When I was pregnant, I could protect him of everything, and now I feel so helpless.
Lord, Oh God
I just pray that you cover Jaren in your healing love. I just pray that you watch over him through the night while I'm unable to have my eye on him. I just pray you give the doctors wisdom to run the right tests and not put Jaren through anything unnecessary. Thank you for every blessing you've place in my life. Thank you for the support system our family has! I love you!
Thank you everyone for you continuing prayers! I'll try to keep everyone updated as best as I can through out each visit! PS. Jaren's appointment will be this Thursday October 2nd at 2:00pm. Ill update on here as soon as we know something! We love you all!


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