A VERY HUGE UPDATE--and pictures that were promised months ago.....
Hello Blogger World. I'm so sorry for the lack of updates for the last few months. Things have been pretty crazy with the Davis Family and just when they seem to start settling down, I'm 13 days away from delivering Brady Hunter. OH YES! The excitement NEVER stops around here.
Okay...let's start with May:
The beginning of May, we finally moved into our place! We had a friend who had a place to rent. We knew there were a few things we needed in a home, and it seemed like our search was endless. We needed something available before Brady came, we needed something with enough space for all of us(meaning 3 bedrooms), and we needed something that we could afford. WE FOUND OUR PLACE! We have a beautiful 3 bedroom house, with a cute little yard and a front porch! We couldn't have been more blessed. May 10th, was Jesse's 27th birthday. It's amazing that 4 years ago this amazing man walked into my life and changed it forever. May 19th Jesse and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary! We're still on limited income, but we had a great time. We got steak hoagies from this little pizza shop downtown, broke out the skipbo cards that hadn't been played with since November, and had a little date in the living room on the floor. It was fantastic. Jesse is all about making gifts for our anniversaries. 3rd year is leather. He took a beautiful pewter picture frame and after hours of searching found genuine leather and placed it as a background in the frame, he put one of our engagement pictures in there, and gave it to me. But told me it was eventually going to be used to hold our family photo! :)
June pretty much came and went. Jesse's VA claim FINALLY got started and we found out some very interesting stuff about his injuries. Father's day was wonderful. Jaren and I got Jesse this really nice tool set that included a power drill and carrying case and stuff, so now when something needs repaired around the house he can do it. He was so excited.
July is here now, but slowly fading. We had a great 4th of July. We went to a luau themed birthday party and then celebrated with fireworks. It was a great family/friends day!!! Jesse was sent to a doctor to be evaluated for his VA claim. We were pretty sure he was just able to claim his complicated migraine syndrome and a few other small things that changed with him physically since he joined the Marine Corps. After extensive testing they found that he has memory loss as well as possible traumatic brain injury. They decided to send Jesse to a Neurological Rehabilitation Clinic in Johnstown PA. He ended up having to stay up there for 3 days for testing and evaluations. He does have the traumatic brain injury, memory loss, complicated migraine syndrome, as well as damage to the left frontal lobe of his brain. All of these cause all of the difficulties Jesse is having with concentration, speech, memory, motor skills, communication, problem solving skills, decision making, frustration etc. The list goes on and on and on. I know it's been really hard on Jesse this last year because he felt like no one understood what he was experiencing, or that people just thought he was dumb. But going up to that clinic and seeing that these are real disorders that people have made him feel sort of relieved. I'm just glad that we're finally able to get him the help that he needs to function a little more normally day to day.
July 29th can't get here soon enough! I had my final regular prenatal checkup today. I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow, and next Thursday is my pre-op for my csection. I'm scheduled July 29th at 800am. It may be 830am, I'm not exactly sure. But anyway, I'm getting so excited for Brady to get here. I can't believe how close we are to meeting him. Yesterday and today I had some VERY painful contractions, but the doctor checked me today and my cervix is still completely closed. I'm not having anything regular or timeable yet. But they are starting to hurt! UGH!!
Jesse is still job hunting. It's so horrible to look for a job right now. It seems like either no one is hiring or you have to have some sort of MBA to get an interview. I know God has a plan for us, and we only want to follow in His will, it's just a little frustrating at times, but I've been trying to pray myself through the frustration. Would you please pray for us as well?
Would you also pray for us about our Church situation? We found a church we've been going to since February, we've just never really felt comfortable or at home there. We joined in the nursery ministry and do that once a month, but it still just doesn't feel like home. We're just praying if God wants us somewhere else, He'll lead us there and we'll faithfully follow.
The last time most of you saw a picture of Jaren Robert, he looked like this....

This picture was on his 1st birthday. November 1st 2008.
He now looks like this...

I don't want to overload blogger with all the pictures I have to show you guys, so I'm going to post them on face book as well as make a link to shutterfly. I'll post again with the link to shutterfly. If you re on face book, please find me and add me. http://www.facebook.com/mamamcdavis
I love you all! I hope this update didn't bore you. I promise there will be more interesting things to post, because I'm going to keep up with it alot better!! LOOOOVE YOU ALL!
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