Mama B & the Boys

Boys are truth with dirt on their face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Dr. Moore called me last night and the first steps they are going to take with Jaren is sending him to an Ear Nose and Throat Dr. They are also worried there maybe inflammation in his nasal cavity, so the pharmacist is making a nasal spray specifically for Jaren. I'll know probably tomorrow or Thursday, what day I am taking Jaren to the ENT and I'll let everyone know from there.

Last night there were no spells and he slept the whole entire night. No whining or crying in his sleep. Praise God!

Today he is playing, laughing, singing, and cuddling with his stuffed animals. He's been walking around with his stroller and throwing his ball, just like the 'normal, healthy' Jaren does! He's acting just like nothing is wrong. I love days like this. Especially when he and Jesse are both having good days together.

On a brighter note, I'm going to be mailing out the invites for Jaren's first birthday soon! I know we are either going to have it at my Mom's house, if their new room is done in time, or we will have it at the Church Fellowship Hall (where my babyshower was) if I can reserve it. I'll be sending out an e-mail soon to get everyone's addresses yet again, because I always forget where I put them! I NEED AN ADDRESS BOOK!!!

School is going great! I sent in my first two dictations for grading and I passed. I think I posted about this before, but I'm really excited that I'm getting sooooooo close to finishing. You could only make 12 errors in certain categories to pass and I only made 2. The next set of dictations that I'm working on are so hard. The doctors talk so fast and so muffled I find myself listening to the same sentence four or five times before I ever understand what they are saying. Thank goodness for my stop and rewind buttons on my foot pedal!

I'm making chicken enchiladas for dinner! I've not made them before but I think they are going to be great! I've been trying to find new recipes to make new things every week.

Not much more going on here in the Davis house! Just school, Jaren growing, standing and taking one or two steps, spending time with Jesse in the evenings, and the normal day to day house wife activities.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!


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