Mama B & the Boys

Boys are truth with dirt on their face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.

Monday, September 15, 2008

a call to 911 and waiting patiently

Just to inform everyone of what has been going on with Jaren's breathing problems.

Since Jaren was about 1 month old he has always breathed very heavily and sounded more like he was trying to breathe through his throat than through any other part and every once in a while, he would have a breathing spell where it almost sounded like he had the hiccups (but it was his body making him like gasp for air). I've addressed my concerns with the doctors but no one could ever see it happen, so no one ever knew what I was talking about. Last month, I was finally smart enough to video tape it. ((everyone is probably asking why we didnt take him to the ER, its because by the time we would get there the spell would be over)) anyway, i video taped it and took it to his doctor and he was having some allergy problems so we thought maybe it was all tied into allergies so she put him on some benedry to see how it helped. Well a month later the benedryl was not helping at all and the spells were getting more frequently and he would go 2-6 seconds in between breaths. So last night he had a horrible spell and we called 911 and they came to check him out, but ofcourse as soon as they got here he was feeling better and back to his normal Jaren self again. ((for anyone who knows Jaren, when you see him being himself you would never guess there is anything wrong with him)) The EMT's suggested we have Jaren seen by a Pulmonologist. Well this morning Jaren's Dr. ended up calling to check up on us so I told her about last night and she immediately gathered up 5 other doctors and headed to our house. Thank you Dr. Moore!! They check his oxygen levels and they are very low, but ofcourse he wasnt having a spell so they didnt get to see that part. (my mom has the good video of it so she is mailing it back to me today) But they have decided that they are either going to send him to and Ear Nose and Throat doctor here or to a Pulmonologist at DUKE or ECU. I'm just waiting to hear from Dr. Moore to see what they've decided. Please keep us in your prayers! We appreciate all the love and support.

1Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.


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