Mama B & the Boys

Boys are truth with dirt on their face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

While I have a moment....

Jaren and Brady are both napping, and I've managed to get a shower! YAY! I now have a moment to just sit and do something I WANT to do!! I thought I'd just update a little...

Next Tuesday, Brady Hunter will be 2 months old. He is growing so quickly and changing everyday right before my eyes. Next Thursday, Jaren will be 23 months old and the wonderful party planning of a 2nd birthday party will begin. Jesse and I have already decided on the WOW! WOW! Wubbzy! Theme because basically he rocks Jarens life. I have a feeling its going to turn into a big cluster of WOW WOW!, Diego, and Cars; because he loves all of those. HAHA!

Jesse is on week number 4 of his job. I'm not really sure exactly how much information I am allowed to divulge right now, but I can tell you he is working for the Department of Veteran's Affairs for the VET Center and he is loving every minute of it. He has been traveling a lot the last few weeks, but that means work, and with work means stable employment, so I am not complaining at all. (I'll blog more info later)

As for me, I am officially 8 weeks postpartum today! AMAZING HOW QUICK THESE 8 WEEKS WENT. I am really wanting to start a good workout regiment, but being completely honest, I just can't find the will or the motivation. If I could make myself workout even 20 minutes in the morning before the boys get up, Id be in better shape than I am right now sitting on the couch. Any suggestions workout friends?!?!?! I absolutely refuse to give up foods that I love, REFUSE, but there is no reason I cant learn to eat in moderation and not deprive myself.

I was watching a Joyce Meyer special the other morning and she was talking about moderation saying how she loves whip cream in her coffee, but she allows herself whip cream in 1 cup of coffee 1 day a week. Why can't I do that?!?!?! WHY CANT I HAVE 1 COKE A WEEK? Or only drink a pop whenever we go out to dinner, which I would like to cut out the majority of doing as well. Jesse stopped drinking pop and now he thinks it tastes sooooo weird, he'd much rather have water. AHHH HELP ME!

Anyway, I've been wanting some fresh bi-color corn on the cob and my mom found some from a local farm, so I will be enjoying that for dinner tonight YAY!! Hmmm maybe I can be disciplined with the butter and salt....YIKES!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too gave up soda, I might have a diet every once in awhile, but soda just burns going down. I drink water and tea. Juice for bfast!!!

I don't believe you need to cut out what you love. Say you continuing eating like you do and maintain your weight, well imagine burning an extra 500 calories a day, you would see a difference. It takes time and it actually takes your body 21 days to accept the change. That's why most people quit after week one of two. Fasting and starvation is awful for you, changes your metabolism forever.

What are your options, can you use a gym, do you have anything at home??

September 23, 2009 at 11:39 AM  
Blogger sarahbais said...

I'm debating what to do about an exercise regimen (especially because tomorrow is when I'll get 'cleared' - it's been a nice excuse until now).

When it comes to drinks though, I'm a huge sucker for sweet tea, but if I make a pitcher, I only have 1 glass with dinner - I don't just sip on it all day. I have stopped ordering soda and other beverages when out as well, not only for calorie reasons, but it's amazing what it'll do for your budget!

September 23, 2009 at 11:56 AM  

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