Mama B & the Boys

Boys are truth with dirt on their face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

lil' tidbits for your information...

-There is only 5 days until Christmas and we are not done shopping, let alone started wrapping.

-I'm hoping to start doing Pilates soon. I used to do it all the time, and it's such a relaxing, non strenuous exercise I could do during this pregnancy.

-This pregnancy is so much different than when I was pregnant with Jaren. I now have psycho cravings, morning sickness like it's my job, I'm exhausted, and I ache. Just goes to show you every child is different. :)

-We're trying out a new church tomorrow. I feel so lost and empty without a steady church for us to go to. Please say a little prayer that we find where we belong.

-I'm now 7w & 2d pregnant. I'm another week along every Thursday. My first OB/GYN appointment is January 26th. Strange because last time I had already been seen by a doctor and had an ultrasound at 6w 5d. But this time I won't be seen until 12w.

-Jesse just got e-mail confirmation, that he is eligible for the Veterans Recruitment position as a Corrections Officer at the Federal Prison in Beckley and that his information has been forwarded there. We're patiently awaiting && praying
for an interview.

-For now, we are still in Grafton, we have a little 'half' apartment set up in the bottom part of my parent's house. The only thing we are lacking is a kitchen. But it's nice to eat meals as a family.

-I'm r.e.a.l.l.y looking forwarded to getting everything organized and put
away, so I feel more at home and less stressed and strung around everywhere.

-For now my tidbits must end. Jaren ate a little too much party cake today & I
believe he has a tummy ache. Off to take care of my little man.

-Love you all

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

waste of time && lovely snow

Am I the only one who noticed?? Or does everyone else think its crazy that there are only
9 days left until Christmas????
I have NO clue where this entire year went. It seemed like just a few months ago we were bringing Jaren home from the hospital & now here we are almost 14 months later, planning Jaren's second Christmas, and expecting our second child. We still have some shopping for Jaren to do, but pretty much have it narrowed down to what we want to get him so I figure we'll just have Mom watch him one evening while we run out and finish up the shopping.
I woke up this morning to get ready for my first doctor's appointment to find beautiful snow covered trees. If any of you know me at all, you know that I HATE DRIVING IN THE SNOW! In 2001 I had a horrible wreck in the snow and now just refuse to drive in it all together. Thankfully, Jesse woke up, saw the snow and joyfully got ready to take me to the doctor. Speaking of that wonderful doctor appointment. Basically we had to fight tooth and nail to get Tricare straightened out so I could go to the doctor. We drove about 25 minutes today to go to the doctor only to find out that the only reason I needed to go to that doctor was for a confirmation of pregnancy, which I already received once, so that I can be referred out to the OB/GYN. Oh well. I got a prescription of prenatal vitamins so that's good. I'm 6w5d and due approximately August 6, 2009!
This pregnancy is so much different than my last. With Jaren I was never tired, no morning sickness, I was just a normal lady with a baby growing inside of me. With this one, I'm have really horrible, weird late night and mid-day cravings, I'm exhausted sick. It's awful!!
I'm waiting to hear back on my referral to the OB/GYN and I'll let everyone know when my appointment is. Jesse's sending in applications and I believe we are possibly taking a trip to Summersville tomorrow to search out some more job opportunities so if you could keep us in your prayers in that department I would appreciate it.
We love you all!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First dr. appointment & first application....

TONS of stuff has been going on with the Davis crew lately. We've been really really busy with each of us getting sick and trips to the ER, as well as just trying to organize our life back at home now(which we really haven't done much of), as well as just trying to visit friends and family, find a Church that we like, and job hunt(Jesse that is). All in all we still have TONS of organizing and unpacking to do, as well as getting our timing down with a new routine, and we still have lots of people we want to visit. But we love being back in WV. Its so beautiful and peaceful here.

In other news...Jesse officially submitted his first application. He had been e-mailing a few different places on and off once we found out that the medical board was going to happen, but he couldn't really count on applying anywhere until he knew either when we were moving home, or when his EAS was going to be. We've been home for almost 2 weeks now and he's been in the job searching mode since we packed up the house in NC. I'm so proud of him because he just wants to get a job, build a house, and 'officially' start our lives here in WV! He put in his application at the Federal Prison in Beckley for a Corrections Officer position. He falls under a 10 point Veterans preference which puts his application higher on the list! It's amazing how wonderful God is. And its a blessing for them to recognize Veterans this way. Anyway, there are a few other places that he is putting his resume and applications in at, and I'm really excited to hear back from each and every place just to hear what they have to say about Jesse's resume. If you could keep us in your prayers on this job hunt journey, we would greatly appreciate it.

Baby Davis #2 is officially baking. He/She is expected to make his/her arrival around August 6, 2009. We are so blessed and excited! I have my first doctor's appointment on Tuesday the 16th. I'm a little nervous because its not like I'm going to meet a doctor for the first time just for a check-up I'm going because I'm pregnant. I loved my DR in NC and she wanted more than anything to see me pregnant and care for me while I was pregnant but we moved just a little too soon! I still haven't be able to get a hold of her to tell her I'm pregnant, but I know she will be so excited to hear the news. She always said she was going to pack up and retire in WV so she could watch Jaren grow. Anyway, I'll keep you all updated on the appointment once it comes and goes.

The 20th of this month, we are actually planning Jaren's birthday party here in WV. I'll been sending out e-vites, but with it being so close to Christmas I'm sure people already have Christmas parties and stuff to go to. But it will be nice for our close family and friends to get to see him dive into that cake! They've been waiting for that forever! Also my sister is having surgery the 19th, so please keep her in your prayers during this time. I know that God's faithful hand is upon her and will be through out the whole procedure and healing process.

We love each and everyone of you very much and we can not wait to see you! I look forward to visiting with everyone really soon!

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

UPDATES..Baby x2 & more....

So here we are in WILD WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA!!! We finally got settled in! We got here last Sunday and boy what a trip it was! We left North Carolina on Saturday afternoon and stopped about half way in Hillsville, VA to sleep and start the rest of our trip the next day! Sunday morning I woke up feeling really nauseated and having horrible hot flashes! Jesse was driving the moving truck, and went ahead of Jaren and I and we stayed back and got breakfast from the hotel and then began the rest of our trip! While Jaren and I were driving I ended up getting even more sick and spent the last 2 1/2 hours driving our trip throwing up in a walmart bag! I have never been so disgusted in my life! It was AWFUL!!! I ended up sleeping the next 2 1/2 days after we got here, then Jesse got it, Jaren got it again, and my Mom got it! We all ended up with this puky awful flu! But were all better now!

On other news...Monday night I decided my body felt a little different and thought maybe I should take a pregnancy test. We weren't really trying to get pregnant again, but we weren't really not trying either! We knew that when God was ready, we were ready! Well as some of you already know, the test came back a BIG FAT POSITIVE! We are very very excited! This will put the kids about 2 years apart which exactly what we wanted! Whenever you tell Jaren he is going to be a big brother he just claps and giggles! I'll keep everyone updated once I get to the doctor and everything! Were still trying to straighten out Tricare right now, so it may be a few weeks!!!

Anyway, I have lots of pictures to share and will get those up really soon! We just got Internet yesterday and were still trying to unpack and things organized so I don't really have much time for the Internet life anymore! But I'll try to update as much as possible!

Love you all!