Mama B & the Boys

Boys are truth with dirt on their face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Chapel Hill, Jaren's Birthday && more...

First and most important update is Jaren's appointment at Chapel Hill on Thursday. We left the Jacksonville around 9a to head up to Chapel Hill. We had been told it was about a 3 1/2 hour trip so we wanted to plan accordingly. We ended up getting there early, so we took Jaren to McDonald's for lunch and then headed to the Hospital. It was such a beautiful place and a HUGE eye opener. There were so many children there. God was truly in that place. No matter what was wrong with those little children, they were all smiling and laughing and playing. One little boy (who I believe was a leukemia patient) came up to Jaren and was showing him his new CD of children's music and new hot wheels collection. He was such an angel, simply as cute as a doll baby.
Once we got into the room where Jaren would be seeing the doctor, we ended up waiting for about 2 hours for the doctor. They were running a little behind that day, but we didn't mind waiting, we just wanted their expertise and opinion on Jaren's condition.

After doing a physical exam on Jaren: watching him interact with us and the nurse, as well as motor skills, other exams they did, and watching the video I had of one of Jaren's attacks; the Neurologist stated that he does not think there is anything neurologically wrong with Jaren. He said that he is very advanced and that he doesn't think we will ever have to worry about a neurological problem with him. PRAISE GOD! They do not believe that seizures are causing this 'weird' breathing issue. They are going to do one EEG just to make sure everything is okay. They are going to a 30 minute EEG and then read the results that day, that way we don't have to make more trips up to Chapel Hill than what is necessary. I should find out today when his appointment is, so I'll let everyone know as soon as I know anything else.

In other news Jaren's 1st birthday is coming up very very soon! His birthday is November 1st for those of you who don't know. This year his birthday falls on the same day as the Marine Corps Ball; and this year it is mandatory for all Marines in 2nd CEB to attend or they will have duty. Jesse and I had already decided not to go, because they had told us about 4 weeks before we had a decision from the medical board ((the last week of October or first week of Novemeber, will be our 4 week mark)) therefore we may not even be here in November. Anyway, my point is, we are going to have plan Jaren's 1st birthday party back home in WV for another weekend. We are looking at the 22nd of November. It is a Saturday, and then we will be home for Thanksgiving as well! ((We've not been home for Thanksgiving in 3 years))

God has so much in store for us in our lives and He has been speaking to me so much lately. I pray and strive daily to be the wife and mother God has created and called on me to be. I pray He will open my eyes to the things he wants me to do in my daily walk with Him and my family.
I look forward to updating you all on the big changes in the next coming weeks with Jesse finding out when he will be getting out of the Marine Corps, and everything else that God has planned for us.
We love you all!!!


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