Mama B & the Boys

Boys are truth with dirt on their face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

sippy cups && walking miles

My baby boy is 11 months old today!! I can't believe that on this day, 11 months ago, I held that tiny little baby in my arms for the first time. I'm not sure I've I told you all, but Jaren has 7 teeth. He has his 4 top front teeth and 3 on the bottom. Since he has so many teeth, the doctor wanted him to off the bottle by 11 months. He's still on formula, but he would just get it out of a sippy. Since Jaren was about 6 1/2 months old, he was doing wonderful on a sippy with some diluted juice. Unfortunatly I stared reading about the BPA that were in certain baby bottles and sippy cups, and of course Jaren's sippy cups had it in them. So I proceeded to take him off the sippys and just go back to only bottles. Once I found some BPA free sippy cups, I purchased them, thinking he would just go back into the swing of things. BOY WAS I EVER WRONG!

Jaren LOVES to eat. He will eat a large bowl of oatmeal and fruit for breakfast along with a bottle. Through out the day he will snack on those little Gerber puffs and have atleast 4 jars of baby food and 3 more bottles. He also eats bits and peices of everything I and Jesse eat throughout the day. With this large appetite, I assumed Jaren would autimatically go straight for the sippy cup since it was full of formula. He hated the sippy cup. I kept googling different ways to introduce and get your child onto the sippy cup. NOTHING WORKED!!!!! But Jesse watched Jaren on Saturday and when I got home that evening, Jaren was drinking out of the sippy cup! I couldn't believe my eyes! Jaren has not had a bottle since Friday! I'm so proud of him!! Jesse is such a strong, wonderful, dedicated father. I LOVE YOU HUBBY!

I've also been walking alot lately. I've decided its time to get myself back into shape and on a great road to lifelong healthiness. Two of the girls that live in my housing development also have children, so we have been walking. We weren't sure how far it was to walk around our housing development, but I do know its a mile to the gas station and back so we've been walking there and back and honestly by the time I get home I feel so great and energized I could do it again.

I know walking isnt a big big deal, but its a start to get back on a healthy track. I look forward to writing more and more about it as I continue.

Tomorrow, we head up to Chapel Hill, to the UNC Children's Hospital. It's roughly a 3 1/2 hour drive, but I look forward to just talking and laughing with Jesse, and catching up on both of our day to day events that we've missed lately. I'm also looking forward to hearing what the doctors have to say about what is going on with Jaren. I just pray that it is something that is easily fixed and my baby boy will be 100% healthy again. Thank you all for your prayers and support while we go through this. I look forward to giving you all great news tomorrow evening. We love you!


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