Just a little food for thought...
When I was pregnant with Jaren, most of you got to follow my pregnancy through my pregnancy blog. I realized this evening, that I havent blogged much about this pregnancy at all. It was alot easier to sit down and write out my thoughts, feelings, cravings etc. without a toddler running around and shutting the screen on the laptop. But started reading my pregnancy blog from Jaren and I really would like to have something like that for this baby too. Just something to look back on and compare how my pregnancies were so different and to be able to remember all the little things that happen. So I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to keep this as my soap box, but I'm going to add more posts of my pregnancy.
I'm hoping I start feeling a little more comfortable with my body soon, so I can do belly pictures like I did with Jaren. Its neat to look back and see how much I grew each week. Right now I feel like a blimp because I never lost all my preggo weight from Jaren, so weekly belly pictures arent very appealing to me at the moment. I'm 15 1/2 weeks. So maybe this week I'll get my first belly picture in. Stay tuned....