Mama B & the Boys

Boys are truth with dirt on their face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Friday January 30, 2009 my husband is officially a retired Marine. Most of you know the story but for those of you who do not, here is the short and sweet version. After Jesse got home from Iraq, he started having some medical issues. They are all under control with medication THANK YOU GOD, but the medication is an absolute MUST ever single day or he could have seizures as well as having the symptoms he gets with his awful headaches(these symptoms are described by doctors as stroke like symptoms because he cant write, talk, drive etc.) With the meds being a must, the Marine Corps could not guarantee this medication being available to him everyday in Iraq, therefore this marked him as 'non-deployable'. He also is unable to PT without getting the severe headaches that come with this, so basically he was limited to sitting behind a desk. The Marine Corps decided to retire him. He was medically retired and we get to keep all of our benefits from the MC, which is a huge blessing. Anyway, that's the short version of the story if you want the long version feel free to ask me, it would just take up way to much space here.

Now that Jesse is retired, he is able to start applying for jobs that require his discharge paperwork! It's bittersweet that this chapter in our lives has ended, but it only means for many new opportunities and doors to open.

Speaking of doors opening, we've started looking at houses! We realize it may be a little while before we can buy, but we definitely want to get into a place of our own and have everything ready before Baby D #2 arrives. I think we've decided on a B name for Baby #2, so from now on I'll call she/he Baby B.

There isn't much more going on here with the Davis family. We're still in a rental vehicle, we've not even heard anything about our car except the visual estimate the collision repair center gave us. Its okay though, Jesse is really loving driving the truck we have!!

IT WAS 55 DEGREES TODAY, WHICH MEANS NO SNOW ON THE HILL!!!!!! Of course when I finally got comfortable riding up and down the hill in the vehicle instead of walking all the snow melts, but I'll take it!

Hope everyone is doing well. I still need to get into the box and find my camera cord. I have so many pictures of Jaren I need to share! Especially of his new do!!

Love you all!


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