Brady's Surgery
Boy, it sure has been a while since I've been here, and a lot has happened in the Davis household since. I'll update again soon but for now I wanted to update you all on Brady. First, thank you all for praying us through this. God is the reason we made it through.
For about 2 months now, we have been battling what we thought were reoccurring upper respiratory infections with Brady. They've been annoying for him and a heartache for me. No matter how strong the antibiotic he just never seemed to get better. Sunday night the 17th, he was coughing so hard in his sleep, that he vomited. It scared me crazy because he still sleeps on his back and he stayed asleep while and after he vomited. Immediately Monday morning I called the pediatrician to see if they could see him and thankfully they could. We went in and he decided to do xrays just to make sure Brady didn't have pneumonia. After taking the xrays he came back and said they found something funny on the xrays. They couldn't tell if it was early pneumonia or something near his lung. They sent for a wet read of the xrays and the radiologist sent back the note 'early pneumonia? diaphragmatic hernia?' So they couldn't tell. Dr. B sent us to a pediatric radiologist to have more xrays done. After they were finished, the radiologist came out and wouldn't even look me in the eye, she just said..'I'm going to get your doctor on the phone.' CRAP!!!! Once I talked to Dr. B he said that Brady did in fact have the hernia and that it would require surgery as soon as they could do it, if it wasn't emergent. (Diaphragmatic Hernia-Brady's bowels had come through a tear in his diaphragm and was pressing against his left lung...aka what they think is causing the respiratory infection symptoms) The pediatric surgeon was out of town at our hospital here (Ruby Memorial) so after 6 hours in the ER we were sent to Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. Brady and I went by ambulance and they did xrays and CT scans there. My boy baby and all of the radiation this kid has received in that 16 hour period :( Anyway, the surgeon said it wasn't an emergency, but it could turn that way VERY quickly. He gave us all the signs to watch for and told us they would schedule surgery for that week. Finally we found out surgery would be Thursday. When we got up to the Children's Hospital for surgery, we were told that not only was his bowels through the hole, but also his liver.
Anyway, Surgery went amazingly well on Brady's end. Jesse and I were nervous as we could be. But we knew we had amazing prayer warriors praying us through the entire thing, and Brady was wrapped in the strong arms of our Lord. We got to come home Saturday evening and Brady has been doing great. He still has the cough, but we don't know right now if its from the breathing tube or if the hernia is not what was causing it. If it doesn't go away by Thursday we will be seeing the pediatrician and more than likely heading to a pulmonologist. Will you please pray for us?
Right now, Brady is doing wonderful. He's eating great, sleeping the best he's ever slept and is back to his normal self. I'll be sure to update everyone after Thursday. We also have to go back to Pittsburgh in 3 weeks for a recheck of the procedure for Brady so Ill update you all then!
I love you all!