Mama B & the Boys

Boys are truth with dirt on their face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pure Craziness...

If you're all looking for a little humor in your life, then you're going to love what has gone on the last few days of our lives.

I'll begin with Saturday. We went to Morgantown, and I honestly can not remember for what. I HAVE HORRIBLE PREGGO BRAIN!!! But on our way home, this car stops suddenly in front of us, to turn off to the left into their driveway. As we started to accelerate, I look to the right and I notice this older looking man lying flat on his back in his yard sprawled out with his mouth hanging wide open and his eyes closed. 'Jesse...there is a guy lying back there in his yard!' I began to yell. So he turned around to go back. We pulled off onto the side of the road and Jesse yelled OH CRAP as he saw the man. I immediately called 911 and Jesse jumped out of the truck to go check on the man. My call had been answered by Preston County 911 and we needed Mon County, so they transferred me. As Mon County answered, I saw Jesse calmly walking across the road to the truck. I rolled down the window to ask him if everything was okay. He said yes, so I told the 911 lady I no longer needed her that everything was okay. Jesse got in the truck, and I asked him what happened. The man was alive when he got there, and Jesse shook him to get his attention and 'wake' him up. As the man woke up and began to talk, Jesse could smell the liquor rolling off his breath. He was so drunk he passed out in his yard. Jesse made sure it was alcohol and that nothing was medically wrong with him by asking him if he knew where he was and stuff like that. But honestly WHAT ARE THE ODDS???

Sunday morning began well. We got up, got ready, and headed to Church. Church was great. We went into the nursery to pick Jaren up and he had all the little boys standing around him in a circle, and he proceeded to tell them something that sounded like orders of some sort! We found it amusing, but once real words start coming out, we're definitely going to have to make sure he knows not to be so 'bossy'! HAHA! Anyway, we decided to go grab some lunch and then head back home to Grafton. On our way home, the same exact road that we saw the drunk guy on, we got a big ol' flat tire in the rental truck. Lovely!! I called Enterprise and they said either we could wait the 2 1/2 hours for AAA to dispatch someone out, or we could change it ourselves. It was a terrible, muddy mess, but my husband laid down on the cold, muddy, soppy wet ground and changed the tire. It took forever because we had to take Jaren's car seat out to get to the jack, then a cop stopped to check on us, and it was cold and rainy and it was just a very long time. But he got it done alot faster than it would have taken to wait on roadside assistance to get there and do it. Anyway, we get home and I start feeling not-so-hot! I start feeling super queasy and all around blah. Jesse wanted to go to his friends house to play some Madden so I told him to go because I just wanted to go to bed. About 15 minutes after he left I started throwing up like it was my job. It was awful. I thought Id feel much better if I could just lay down and fall asleep. That definitely wasn't an option. I laid down for about another 45 minutes, then I started violently throwing up. I called Jesse and begged him to come and bring me ice. He immediately did. It was nice having him here to take care of me and help me. I finally fell asleep around 3ish and slept til about 9. The rest of my Monday was spent dozing on and off on the couch and ingesting nothing but water.

I definitely feel much better today. We got our car back FINALLY, and took the truck back to Enterprise. We reported low pressure lights to them the day they gave us the truck but they told us not to worry about it, but now they are saying if they dont find that the tire going flat was due to low pressure then its our fault and we have to pay for it. I'm a little upset about that because Jesse babied that truck like it was his own, so Im hoping they do find that it was because of the low pressure.

Thats all the craziness for the last few days. I hope everyone is doing well! We love you all!


Blogger Unknown said...

Take it from someone who works there...if you fight the tire thing they won't charge you. and if you haven't from them with in a day don't worry. they already got the tire repaired.

February 10, 2009 at 7:20 PM  

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